Fumigation, sometimes referred to as “tenting” is a service that few companies are able to provide directly. EnviroWise Pest Solutions as a Branch 1 Licensed operator is one of the few that can provide this service directly. However, if we can save you time and money we will subcontract this service to our associated licensed Fumigators. Sometimes this just makes good sense. When you agree that your fumigation needs require special service then it’s time to hire EnviroWise Pest Solutions. For more information and an estimate, contact us!
A description of the service … First, we will verify that you do need to have a fumigation. If you have already had another firm inspect your home and provided you an inspection report, we will need to see a copy of that report. If you have not already had an inspection completed, we will need to inspect your home. Once your problem is confirmed and we agree that you require fumigation for the best solution, we obtain pricing information from our network of fumigators and create the best opportunity we can create to share with you. We fully expect that you should find our prices are among the best prices you will find anywhere. Now that you have the price and agree that EnviroWise Pest Solutions is the best choice, we will schedule your service. We will guide you carefully through the required planning and preparations. The day of the service you will leave a key with the Fumigator and plan on being away from the home until the home is posted with a safe for reentry sign at the door way. That’s all there is to it…
If you need additional information or wish to schedule a consultation please contact us.