Bed Bugs

EnviroWise Pest Solutions Bed Bug
bed bugs

How did I get Bed Bugs?

You might be thinking I’m a clean person, how did I get bed bugs? These nasty little bugs will hitchhike their way in to your life. The worst part is that they are not picky. You and your home can be extremely clean, but maybe you where on public transportation and someone who sat there before you currently has bedbugs. Perhaps you went to a theater to check out that hot new movie, or had to travel for work. The next thing you know, you are waking up with little red marks all over your body. The good news is bed bugs are not known to cause or transmit diseases. The bad news is they multiply quickly. that means infestation can happen before you realize what is going on.Bed bugs can be difficult to treat. They live in and around the bed frame, the mattress seams, power outlets behind head boards. Basically any place they can find to hide near a food source (Blood) they will.

What are some telltale signs to indicate a bed bug infestation? 

Bite marks on your arms, legs, face, neck, back or any other place on you body especially after sleeping can be a good indication that you may have bed bugs. 
You might find living bed bugs in the sheets, or mattress.
You may see old dry blood stains. They may look brown or rust in color.
It is also possible to see exoskeletons in the mattress seems. Unless your home has been treated for bed bugs, do not mistake this as the bed bugs have died off on their own. Bed bugs molt as they grow, so that exoskeleton is more than likely just a molting.

Luckily we have the knowledge and tools to fix the problem quickly so you can rest easy.


For more info from the CDC  Click Here

Don't let the bed bugs bite