Spiders & Scorpions

California is home to several spider species that range from minimal venomous to extremely venomous. the most frequently encountered dangerous spiders are the Southern Black Widows, The Brown Widow, and the  Western Black Widow.
California is also home to some species of Tarantulas, Jumping Spiders, Wolf Spiders and MarbledCellar Spider (aka Daddy long legs).
Most spiders will not go out of their way to bite a human, in fact, spiders like to remain undisturbed. Spiders choose spots to set up their home where there is little human traffic. They also prefer to have a lot of bugs around. Eves and overhangs or by a light outside make great spider nesting areas. Spiders like grassy areas as well because there is always food for them there.
Spiders are a great form of natural pest control, however most of us would prefer to just not have them around.
I know you are thinking, how do I get rid of spiders in my house? We use a multiple step process. First we identify what kind of spiders you have. We then remove the webs and spray a protective barrier around your house and in the grass. On the in-side of  your home we use same steps, but with a potent yet household friendly barrier.
for more information Click Here & Here

Let us fight them for you.


Did you know that California has Scorpions?  Although sightings and encounters with scorpions is fairly rare in California they do make a large portion of California home. This includes the Central and Northern Valley.  Scorpions have two claws in the front they use to hold their pray with and a stinger on the tail that injects venom. The good news although painful, the sting from a scorpion native to California  is non lethal. The pain is comparable to a bee sting and may leave a scar. However an allergic reaction can complicate things. Scorpions are nocturnal so they are active at night and will glow in UV light due to particles on their exoskeleton.  They are also very quick. If you have had and encounter with a Scorpion Click Here to have one of our experts inspect your home. 

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