Fleas & Ticks


Interesting flea facts

  • The female flee will lay eggs with in one week of feeding on blood.
  • Fleas carry parasites, such as tapeworms. Those tapeworms can be spread to humans and animals, if an infected flea is swallowed. 
  • Young children can be at a higher risk of swallowing an infected flea, because they spend a lot of time close to the ground where fleas live.
  • Did you know that the plague is still around?  Well it is, and fleas are the primary transmission source for the plague.
To see what the CDC says  CLICK HERE 

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Interesting Tick Facts

  • Ticks thrive in wooded and grassy areas.
  • They are most active from the start of spring to winter.
  • Ticks carry and spread many diseases. Two of the most common are: Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
To see what CDC says click here

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